Madison Area Running Series Logo

Madison Area Running Series is a series of run/walk events in Madison, WI and its surrounding areas

Recent Activities

MARS 2021 Registration is Open for both new members and existing members.
Madison Series Calendar of Events

Unknown amount of time Unknown amount of time until the next race^ as of 09/14/24 6:17PM CDT
Next race is not yet available
^This is the first event that occurs on the given race day, which occurs on or before the MARS event for that day.
# Day Date Name MARS Full Point EventDistances
1Fri 01/01/2021 New Years Day Dash 5 miles 5 miles | 2 mile walk
2Sat 02/13/2021 Valentines 5k 5k 5k
3Sat 03/06/2021 Freeze for Food - Virtual 5k 5k
4Sat 03/27/2021 * 50 Furlong - Officially Canceled 6.25 miles Close to 6.25 miles this year
5Sat 04/03/2021 Black Earth 10 Quasi Classic Run  10 miles 10miles | 2miles run/walk
6Sat 04/24/2021 Crazylegs Classic - Virtual 8k run, 5k run 8k run | 2 mile Walk
7Sat 05/01/2021 Lake Monona 20k 20k, 5k
8Sat 06/19/2021 Strawberry Fest-Run (Run canceled, Fest is on) 10k 10k | 5k | 50yd and 100yd kids
9Sun 07/04/2021 * July 4th Runs Participation Only Varies
10Thu 07/08/2021 * WTC Track Series 3k 3k only 3k, 1mi, and more
11Sat 09/04/2021 Cow Chip Classic 10k Run 10k Run | 5k Run/Walk
12Sat 10/02/2021 * Indian Lake Trail Run 10k 10k
13Sun 10/24/2021 * Fall 15k 15k 15k | 15k relay
*Indicates race date is approximate
For more detailed race information visit the Events page.

Other runninng events in the area (not part of the series)

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