Madison Area Running Series Logo

Madison Area Running Series is a series of run/walk events in Madison, WI and its surrounding areas

List of Events for 2021- The MARS 2021 schedule will undergo changes.

Select race year:  

# Day Date Name LocationFull Points Partial PointsStarting Time
1Fri 01/01/2021 New Years Day Dash ** Middleton, WI 5 miles 2 miles walk 5mi run/2mi walk at 10:00AM
2Sat 02/13/2021 Valentines 5k Madison, WI 5k  11:00am
3Sat 03/06/2021 Freeze for Food - Virtual Madison, WI 5k  5k at any time of day 0:00AM

4Sat 03/27/2021 * 50 Furlong - Officially Canceled Paoli, WI 6.25 miles  11:30AM
5Sat 04/03/2021 Black Earth 10 Quasi Classic Run  Black Earth, WI 10 miles 2 miles run/walk 10:00AM
6Sat 04/24/2021 Crazylegs Classic - Virtual Madison, WI 8k run, 5k run 2 mile walk Prior Year Info:
10:00AM 8k run
10:00AM 2 mile walk
7Sat 05/01/2021 Lake Monona ** Monona, WI 20k 5k 9:00am
8Sat 06/19/2021 Strawberry Fest-Run (Run canceled, Fest is on) Sun Prairie, WI 10k 5k 5k_Bike 8:00AM for 5k and 10k
9:30AM for kids 50yd and 100yd
9Sun 07/04/2021 * July 4th Runs **  Participation Only Varies 7:15AM
(varies based on whatever race your choose)
10Thu 07/08/2021 * WTC Track Series 3k ** Oregon, WI 3k only  5:30PM Field events
6:00PM Running events
7:20PM estimated for 3k
No 1mile event for this day
NOTICE: 2019 info is above, but actual events and start time will be announced.
11Sat 09/04/2021 Cow Chip Classic Prairie du Sac, WI 10k Run 5k Run/Walk 8:00am
12Sat 10/02/2021 * Indian Lake Trail Run ** Cross Plains, WI 10k  9:00AM
13Sun 10/24/2021 * Fall 15k ** Madison, WI 15k 15k relay 9:00am
*Indicates race date is approximate
**Indicates race information has not been completely verified

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Race Number6
NameCrazylegs Classic - Virtual
NoticeEvent is Virtual this 2021 year from April 24 to May 2 2021
Info VerifiedAll information shown has been verified,
unless noted otherwise
Team CompetitionAnnouncement (on Mar 21 2021): no team competition this 2021 year!

Distances8k run | 2 mile Walk
Distance Full Points8k run, 5k run
Distance Part Points2 mile walk
Location LandmarkVirtual this 2021 year. Prior Year Info: Capitol Square-Madison
LocationPrior Year Info:
8k race start (subject to slight change):
Run: 1 S. Pinckney St.
Walk: State st./N Carroll St.
Madison, WI 53703

2 mile walk race start (Corner of State St. and W Mifflin St.):
99 N Carroll St.
Madison, WI 53703

Registration and Packet pickup [dependent upon chosen pickup location that you selected]:

Kohl Center [Onsite registration available at Kohl Center ONLY]
601 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53715
- Friday, April 27th from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. packet pickup and individual onsite reg.
- Saturday, April 28th from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. packet pickup and individual onsite reg.

Individual packet pickup ONLY: depends on which location chosen when you registered. Hyvee in Fitchburg or the Kohl center.

Team packet pickup:
Performed by your captain on Tuesday April 24th 10am to 6pm at the LaBahn Arena. Please get your packet from your captain at an arranged date/time.

Location Interactive Map
Packet pickup: 
8k race start: 
2 mile walk: 
Day Registration Time7:00AM to 9:00AM
Start TimePrior Year Info:
10:00AM 8k run
10:00AM 2 mile walk
DirectorNational W Club
Director Phone Day [608] 261 -5347
Director Phone Evening [608] 261 -5347
Director Email
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